Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the company is working on developing humanoid robots for its own use and would like to make the technology available to other companies, possibly as soon as two years from now.
“Tesla will be producing a small number of truly useful humanoid robots for our internal use next year, and hopefully mass producing them for other companies in 2026,” Musk posted on his social media platform X, responding to a user who was discussing advances in AI technology.
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Musk unveiled Tesla’s Optimus robot in October 2022, but it was met with mixed reactions from users, who criticized its crude and basic nature and limited range of functions.
Musk is also active in the AI field, and his AI startup xAI is working on improving the Grok large-scale language model and accelerating user adoption.
Large companies like Amazon are already turning to robots to take over tasks in warehouses, such as repetitive lifting and loading.
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