1.First of all
Blockchain is currently growing in popularity and development due to the potential it holds for innovation and decentralization. While it looks appealing from the outside, it is equally difficult to jump into without a properly configured environment. But don’t worry, we are here to help. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the blockchain niche and provide detailed guides and insights tailored to the interests and needs of blockchain developers. Get ready to explore the world of blockchain on this exciting journey.
2. Choose the right tools
When configuring your environment, it is important to choose the right tools depending on your interests and requirements. Below are some tools and editors you can consider:
operating system:
You can develop blockchain applications on any OS, but macOS and Linux are recommended for compatibility and support.
Linux: Linux is free, open source, flexible, and customizable. It has extensive community support and a wealth of resources. There are several popular and widely used Linux distributions; one is Ubuntu, which is great for beginners, others are Fedora and Debian. Most blockchain tools are designed around Linux.
MacOS: MacOS is similar to Linux. It’s based on Unix, with a similar command line tools and development experience, seamless hardware and software integration, and great native support for Homebrew, Xcode, Docker, and more.
Windows: WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) lets you run Linux alongside Windows so you can continue using Windows, giving you the best of both worlds: the ease of use of Windows and the powerful tools of Linux.
OS/Mac/Linux Differences Chart
1. Code Editor/IDE:
A good code editor or IDE can greatly increase your productivity. Here are some options to consider:
VSCode: It’s pretty lightweight and has great add-ons for different coding languages and blockchain frameworks. IntelliJ IDEA: This is powerful and can be very helpful if you’re messing around with Java blockchain projects. Sublime Text: It’s fast and has a lot of tweaks. It’s great if you want to keep things simple.
2. Version Control System:
Version control is crucial to any project where you’re building something. Git, along with websites like GitHub and GitLab, help you keep your code in order, collaborate with others, and keep track of changes. These tools make it easier to manage your codebase, teamwork with others, and keep track of all the updates.
3. Installing required software
Programming Language
Here are the installation instructions for languages commonly used in blockchain development:
Docker helps you create a consistent development environment.
Docker installation instructions.
4. Blockchain Development Frameworks and Tools
The general setup includes various tools and libraries that support blockchain, regardless of the specific blockchain. There are tools such as Truffle and Hardhat that provide a comprehensive development environment.
Hyperledger Fabric: A specialized blockchain system made for use by large enterprises. Tendermint: A fast blockchain tool that supports a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) method for reaching consensus on things.
Containerization and Virtualization:
Docker allows you to keep your working setup the same on different computers, and allows you to create Docker containers with all the necessary dependencies, making it easy to set up and tear down your working area.
5. Setting up a local blockchain network
Common tools that help manage and run a local blockchain include:
Docker Compose: Docker Compose is used to define and run multi-container Docker applications. It uses a docker-compose.yml file. Here are the installation steps:
Kubernetes: An open source system that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Here are the steps to install Kubernetes:
Yaml file:
Setting up a local node is useful for testing your application in a controlled environment. To set it up, follow these steps:
Virtual machines allow you to experiment with applications without affecting your local environment and also provide an additional layer of abstraction.
6. Smart Contract Development
Common languages: Smart contracts are commonly written in Solidity and Rust: Solidity: To install Solidity, use: npm install -g solc
solc –version Rust:
Added wasm32-unknown-unknown to the rustup target.
Compilers and linters:
Compilers and linters are tools used to create high-quality smart contracts. Compilers help in compiling the code and deploying it to the blockchain.
The steps to create an agreement are as follows:
1. Robustness:
solc –bin –abi –optimize -o build/ YourContract.sol Create a .solhint.json file
“extension”: “solhint:recommended”,
“rule”: {
“Indent”: [“error”, 4],
“Quote”: [“error”, “double”] }}
2. Rust:
Install Clippy: Add Clippy to the rustup component
Create a Clipy.toml file[clippy]Warnings as errors = true
Creating a smart contract
When creating a smart contract, you need to keep in mind the guidelines and best practices that you should follow.
Ensure your code is modular and reusable. Perform a security audit. Ensure gas efficiency to reduce transaction costs. Conduct thorough testing. Document your code properly. Use the SafeMath library. Always check return values and errors. Never hardcode values in contracts. Follow a consistent coding style. Implement access control mechanisms. Update dependencies regularly. Use events for logging. Use standard libraries. Use multi-signature wallets. Have a long-term maintenance plan for your contracts.
7. Testing and Debugging
Testing Frameworks: Testing is the final and strongest pillar of any development. Mocha and Chai are essential to test JavaScript contracts. Mocha is a testing framework and Chai is an assertion library, both of which help in running tests and writing test assertions. Waffle is a testing framework that seamlessly integrates with Hardhat. It provides advanced testing capabilities and has comprehensive assertions. Debugging Tools: Debugging means finding and fixing bugs in your code. Several tools help in this task. Tools like Remix, GDB are used for debugging. Continuous Testing:
Constant testing is crucial in modern software development. Testing ensures that your code is repeatedly checked and verified by machines. With tools that help with continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD), you can set up systems that automatically run tests every time someone makes a code change. This helps you find problems and keep your code in good condition.
8. Deployment Tools
Common deployment strategies: Common deployment strategies are: Local deployment: The deployment is done locally in a controlled manner using tools such as Ganache or Docker Testnet deployment: This is done to test the application in a real environment without real assets Mainnet deployment: This is a critical step to deploy to the main network where real assets and transactions take place. This deployment requires thorough testing before deployment Automated deployment: A CI/CD pipeline is used for deployment for automation and repetition.
Scripting and automation:
Here’s how to write a script for automation:
Hard Hat Script:
Use of cloud services:
Deploying blockchain nodes and smart contracts using cloud services provides ease, reliability, and scalability. The following cloud services are available:
AWS: (Amazon Web Services):
AWS is a cloud service managed by Amazon that helps in setting up EC2 instances to run the nodes.You can use AWS Lambda to deploy smart contracts and execute them serverlessly.
Azure Blockchain Service helps you manage your blockchain network, and you can use Azure Functions or Azure DevOps to keep your blockchain running and up to date.
You can use Google Cloud’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Compute Engine to set up your blockchain nodes. Google Cloud Functions and Cloud Build make setting up your blockchain easy.
9. Connecting to an external network
1. Configuration: To configure the connection:
Network configuration: Set the network configuration according to your requirements. Here is an example for Ethereum: Json file:
“Network”: { “Mainnet”: {
“url”: “https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR-PROJECT-ID”,
“account”: [“0xYOUR_PRIVATE_KEY”]
} }}
Environment variables: Use .env files and libraries such as dotenv to manage environment variables and securely store security information and private keys.
2. APIs and Libraries:
Interacting with external networks using APIs and libraries makes the interaction easier. Commonly used APIs include: Ethers.js
const { ethers } = require(“ethers”);const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(“homestead”,
{ ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require(‘@polkadot/api’);
const provider = new WsProvider(‘wss://rpc.polkadot.io’);
const api = ApiPromise.create({ provider });
Web3.js for Ethereum:
const Web3 = require(‘web3’);
const web3 = new Web3(‘https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR-PROJECT-ID’);
Wallet Integration:
Wallet integration allows users to interact with the blockchain through transactions and interactions. The steps for wallet integration are as follows:
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum);
Wallet Connect:
WalletConnectProvider requires “@walletconnect/web3-provider”.
const provider = new WalletConnectProvider({ infuraId: “YOUR-INFURA-ID” });
10. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
Popular CI/CD Tools: Github Actions: GitHub Actions allows you to set up CI/CD for your blockchain.
Travis CLI:
Circle CLI: CircleCI is another way to do CI/CD for your blockchain projects, and it provides great options for automating your deployments.
Automated testing and deployment:
Writing automated testing and deployment workflows ensures code consistency and enables rapid iteration. Testing:
npx helmet test
npx hardhat deploy
11. Security Tools
Security is at the heart of the blockchain world, so ensuring you have the best security tools is essential.
General security measures:
Perform regular code reviews. Implement precise access control for public and private functions. Perform regular audits.
Static analysis tools:
Static analysis tools help identify and fix vulnerabilities in your code. Tools used for this purpose include Mythril and Slither.
Regular audits:
We conduct regular external and internal audits and correct any issues that arise before contracts are misused.
12. Best Practices
Folder Structure: Maintain a proper and clean folder structure for organized access and less cluttered environment in your project. Use environment variables env file and dotenv library. Use secret management tools like AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault. Documentation:
Documenting your code is as important as writing it.
Maintain a proper README file to help others understand your project, add comments to your code as needed, use the project’s wiki or documentation API.
13. Conclusion
In conclusion, setting up the right environment is more important than building a blockchain application. Setting up your environment provides a checklist for choosing the right tools to configure your local network and deploy smart contracts. By following the steps and strategies outlined in this article, you can create an efficient, robust, and secure application. Always learn and adapt to your needs to improve your setup and grow with new advancements in blockchain technology. Happy coding!