The establishment of an artificial intelligence (AI) computing center by a consortium of Taiwanese companies was announced yesterday, with the aim of improving Taiwan’s AI capabilities.
The AI Computing Center (AICC) will be the “first in Asia” to use NVIDIA Corp’s H200 AI chip, which has 1.43 times the computing power of the H100 chip, and an advanced liquid cooling system provided by AI infrastructure solutions provider Super Micro Computer Inc, Lin Yi-shan, Chairman of ENLight Corp, said at a press conference in Taipei.
Lin said AICC’s operations will officially begin in the fourth quarter of this year with 64 servers, which will be located at Chief Telecom Co.’s smart Internet data center in Taipei.
Photo: Wang Yihong, Taipei Times
“But ultimately the total number of servers will be 256,” he said, adding that their combined computing power will be 93 petaFLOPS (floating-point operations per second, a measure of a computer’s computing power), placing them around 15th in the world in terms of supercomputer power.
Lin did not say when all 256 servers would be operational.
The center’s goal is to
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