DiogenX, a French biotechnology company focused on regenerating insulin-producing beta cells to treat diabetes, today announced the appointment of Hélène Sicard as Chief Development Officer.
Dr. Sicard’s appointment comes at a time when the Company has optioned its lead candidate, DGX-01, a first-in-class recombinant protein aimed at replicating insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. DGX-01 is currently in Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling studies. The Company’s novel approach has the potential to become a disease-modifying therapy for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), a chronic autoimmune disease that affects millions of people worldwide.
“Dr. Sicard has extensive experience leading teams and projects through stages of development in the biotechnology sector. We look forward to the exciting path ahead as we realize our vision of regenerating functional pancreatic beta cells, with the ultimate goal of restoring insulin independence for patients,” said Benjamin Charles, CEO of DiogenX.
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Chairman of Sanofi-Aventis UK
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